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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

2 MONTH OLD : WEEK 3 - Breastfeeding and the working mom

Can I continue breastfeeding once I return to work?

Yes, you can. If you live near work or have on-site daycare, you may be able to take nursing breaks to feed your baby. If that's not possible, you have two choices:

Option 1: You can keep up your milk supply by using a high-quality, automatic electric breast pump to express milk during the workday. Save the milk you collect for your child's caregiver to give him the next day. (You can also supplement with formula if you can't produce enough milk.) You'll still be able to nurse your child yourself whenever you're not at work.

Option 2: If you can't or don't want to pump at work, you can gradually replace daytime feedings with formula while you're still at home but continue to nurse at night and in the morning. Remember that if you don't nurse or pump during the day, your milk supply will diminish. The milk your body produces may not be enough to satisfy your baby, even if you only need enough for morning and evening feedings.

What are the advantages of pumping at work?

Pumping at work stimulates your milk production, so you'll have plenty of milk available when you nurse. You can also collect the milk that you pump, so your baby will have the health and nutritional advantages of breast milk even when you're not there. What's more, pumping can be a wonderful way to feel connected to your baby during the workday.

One of the best things about pumping at work is coming home to a baby who still wants to nurse. You get to snuggle with him right away, re-establish your bond, and nurture him in a way no one else can. To make sure your baby will want to nurse when you get home, ask your caregiver not to feed him during the last hour of the workday, or to feed him just enough to take the edge off any hunger. Then you and your baby can look forward to a warm reunion every day.

Although it can be a hassle — and doing such an earthy thing in a work environment can feel strange — many mothers find that the benefits of pumping far outweigh the inconvenience.

How can I successfully manage pumping at work?

You'll need:

• A breast pump, preferably a fully automatic electric pump with a double collection kit so you can pump both breasts at the same time

• Bottles or bags to collect and store the milk in

• Access to a refrigerator or a small cooler to keep the milk cold until you get it home (most pumps come with a cooler pack)

• Breast pads to protect your clothes if you leak

Get used to pumping at home before returning to work so you'll know what to expect and how it feels. You'll be much more confident pumping at work if you already know that you can produce enough milk to fill a storage bag or bottle. Plus, it's reassuring to have a stash of breast milk in the freezer once you do leave for work.

Ideally, you'll have access to a private room at work where you can pump, such as an unused office or conference room, or even a large, clean closet with a chair, countertop, and electric outlet. (Most pumps come with a battery option, so you won't necessarily need an outlet.) Try to find a room with a door that locks so you don't have to worry about anyone intruding on your privacy. Ask the building manager or human resources staff for suggestions, and enlist the support of a co-worker or supervisor if necessary.

If there's some demand (even two mothers is enough), you could lobby to create a nursing mothers' station in the office. In a worst-case scenario, you'll have to pump in a bathroom stall, but many women have done so successfully for months.

Your milk supply may vary daily. To maximize your milk flow, try to pump at the same time and place each day. Relax and look at your baby's picture or visualize him while you pump. Stress and fatigue are your biggest enemies. Remember, you're still a nursing mom, so eat well and drink plenty of water while at work.

How often should I pump?

Pumping every two to three hours is ideal. This timetable should provide all the milk your baby will need while you're gone and allow you to keep up your milk supply so that you can continue to nurse your baby in the morning and evening, and on weekends.

How do I store breast milk at work?

Pump and store milk either in glass or plastic bottles or in plastic milk collection bags. Leave room at the top of each bottle or bag for expansion if you'll be freezing the milk. Label the bottles or bags with your name and the date so you can use the oldest ones first. Store them in the office refrigerator or a cooler while at work. Carry them home in a cooler with an ice pack if your commute is longer than 30 minutes

Should I tell others that I'm pumping?

Support is the key to success. If you know other moms who are pumping at work, it's a good idea to ask them for encouragement and advice. Otherwise, you don't have to tell your co-workers what you're doing on your breaks if you feel uncomfortable, but you should tell your supervisor.

Your boss needs to know that pumping won't interfere with your work, so assure her that by committing to your baby in this way, you'll have much more peace of mind at work. In fact, you may find that you're even more productive (working mothers often are).

Talk to other moms on our pumping bulletin board to find out how they handle the situation.

How can I keep my breasts from leaking at work?

During the first week or two that you're back at work, your breasts will probably feel very full at feeding times and may leak milk. Pumping regularly — say, during your morning break, lunch break, and afternoon break — will often help prevent leaking. Use breast pads in your bras to protect your clothes from stains, or look for the new self-adhesive silicone pads (called LilyPadz) that prevent your breasts from leaking in the first place.



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