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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

2 MONTH OLD : WEEK 3 - Growth charts: Taking your baby's measurements

What are growth charts?

Growth charts are tools that the doctor uses to evaluate and keep track of your baby's physical growth. At each checkup, the doctor or nurse will measure your baby's length, weight, and head circumference. Then she'll plot those numbers on a chart of national averages for babies of the same age and sex. In the end, she'll tell you what percentile your child is in.

If the doctor tells you that your 2-month-old son is in the 75th percentile for weight, for example, that means 75 percent of the 2-month-old boys in the United States weigh the same or less than he does and 25 percent weigh more. If your baby was born prematurely, his gestational age is used to plot his numbers on the chart.

So if your baby was born 4 weeks early, his numbers will be compared with babies who are 4 weeks younger than your baby. Some doctors use "preemie" growth charts, but however she keeps track, the doctor will take into account that your baby arrived early.

Parents sometimes worry needlessly about these percentages. Remember that your child is an individual and will develop at his own pace. These measurements are a general guide to help you and your doctor assess your baby's growth. What's important is that your baby's growth curve, as it's plotted on the chart, is progressing.

The doctor will be looking to see whether he's gaining appropriately each time (no big dips, for example). She'll also keep an eye on his weight to make sure it isn't excessive for his height, which might indicate potential weight problems down the road. The most recent charts take into account both breastfed and formula-fed babies.

The first set of growth charts covers from birth to 36 months. On the left side of the length chart are centimeters; corresponding measurements in inches run along the right side of the chart. On the left side of the weight chart are kilograms; corresponding measurements in pounds run along the right side of the chart. You can see the charts themselves on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site.

How will the doctor take my baby's measurements?

Because an inch or a pound can make a pretty significant difference in where your baby falls on the charts, measurements will be taken very carefully. It can be tricky to get reliable and accurate numbers — especially if your baby is very squirmy! — but most doctors and nurses are experienced at it.

The doctor or nurse will take three measurements:

After you undress your baby completely — that's right, no diaper — the doctor or nurse will place him on a scale (either a traditional beam scale or an electronic model) to weigh him. Both types will be set to zero before your baby is laid down. The measurement is usually taken in kilograms and recorded to the tenth of a kilo. The doctor or nurse will be able to tell you your baby's weight in pounds to the closest ounce.

While your baby is lying down, the doctor or nurse will measure him from the top of his head to the bottom of his heel. Some practitioners use a special device with a headboard and a movable footboard for accurate results.

Head circumference
To measure your baby's head, the doctor or nurse will place a flexible measuring tape where his head has the largest circumference — just above your baby's eyebrows and ears, around the back of his head where it slopes up prominently from his neck.

Why does it matter what size your baby's head is? Your baby's brain growth is reflected in the size of his skull. So if your baby's brain isn't growing and developing normally, his head circumference may not be increasing as it should. On the other hand, if your baby's head circumference grows too quickly, it may be a sign of a problem like hydrocephalus (the buildup of fluid in the brain). Both conditions are unlikely but important to rule out.

By the way, babies' heads are disproportionately large compared to adult heads, so don't worry if your baby's head looks big to you. Consider your own proportions, too — if you or your partner has a large or small head, your baby might, too.

Can I track my baby's growth at home?

Yes, you can, but it won't be as accurate as when the doctor or nurse does it. If you want to give it a try:

• Weigh your baby. If you don't have a baby scale, then any accurate scale will do. Simply hold your baby and get on the scale. Write down that number. Then put your baby down and get on the scale alone. Subtract that number from your combined weight to get your baby's approximate weight.

• Next, measure your baby's length. Lay him down and stretch a measuring tape from the top of his head to the bottom of his heel. It's easiest if you have someone to help, because you'll need to gently stretch your baby's leg straight to do this. Again, your number won't be exactly the same as the doctor's, but you'll get a ballpark figure.

• To measure your baby's head circumference, wrap a flexible measuring tape around his head just above his eyebrows and ears, and around the back where his head slopes up from his neck. The goal is to measure his head at the spot where it has the largest circumference.

Once you have these measurements, plug them into our growth percentile calculator to find out roughly how your baby compares to his peers.



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