Your toddler now
Evolving eating habits
Don't be surprised if your hearty eater's appetite has shrunk. It's typical for kids this age to eat a bit less and suddenly become more picky. This change may seem strange, considering how active your child is now. But because he's growing more slowly, he really doesn't need as much food.
Try not to pressure your toddler to eat more. Instead, let his appetite determine how much food he takes in.
Of course, even though you can't control how much he eats, you are definitely in charge of what he has to choose from. Keep offering a variety of healthy foods at every meal. Resist the temptation to let him snack on sweets and other not-so-healthy items out of worry that he's not eating enough. As long as he appears to be thriving, he's probably fine. As always, if you have doubts, talk to your doctor.
Dreams become a reality
Even if your child has been sleeping soundly for months, he may now start waking up again at night. Of course, that can happen at any stage during the baby and toddler years for one reason or another. But one new potential sleep disturbance at this age is dreaming.
Between 12 and 14 months, kids start actively dreaming, and a dream can actually startle your child awake. Sticking to routines and creating a beloved bedtime ritual are a huge help in keeping your toddler's sleep on track.
Parent tip
"My toddler has discovered the joy of screaming. He's not angry – just trying out his voice – but it's so hard on the grownups' ears. One trick I use to stop it is to sing, not too loud, but loud enough for him to hear me. It usually gets his attention and makes him stop." – Kitty
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