Dads-to-be have their own share of anxiety about pregnancy and birth.
Learn more about what you can expect as your partner progresses through her pregnancy and get ready for the big day: your baby's birth.
A dad's role in delivery
What role can a dad play in labor and delivery?
The father's role in childbirth has changed dramatically since the
days when spouses paced the hospital waiting room, anxiously awaiting a
doctor's announcement: "It's a girl." Today, many men are involved from
the moment the pregnancy test comes back positive, attending prenatal appointments,
childbirth classes, and, after the birth, father-baby groups.
Some men are comfortable with a lot of involvement, and some aren't.
And not all men relish the thought of being present during labor and delivery.
But for most, seeing their child born is one of life's great moments.
How can I prepare for this role?
Childbirth classes are invaluable. You'll likely feel more confident after
learning what to expect during labor and childbirth, acquiring ideas and techniques
to help your wife or partner through the experience. If you still feel anxious about
your role, a birth assistant, or doula, can help tremendously during labor, not only
coaching your partner but also encouraging you to relax and participate comfortably.
If that sounds intriguing, talk it over with your partner.
Also, make sure you know all the ins and outs of the hospital where you plan to deliver.
Take a tour of the facilities, and make sure that husbands or partners can be present throughout
labor, birth, and in the hours and days after your baby is born. Most hospitals have come into
the modern age, but some have restrictions about who can be present during a c-section or at other times.
How to share in your wife or partner's pregnancy
Pregnancy is seen as mostly a mom thing. Few women believe that Dad really gets it.
And the fact is, we mostly don't. We talk about it. We show interest. We empathize
(without going overboard). We even try to read about it, at least a little. But let's face it,
our experience of having a baby is fairly removed until we're face to face with diapering and
Go the extra mile
Your wife may be intensely demanding. Go with it. She's doing all the heavy lifting.
The least you can do is shop for groceries, send her flowers, and indulge her 11 p.m.
demands for cottage cheese and strawberry jam.
Memorize the route to the hospital
This may seem obvious, but unless you're away when your partner's water breaks,
you'll probably be making that drive to the hospital for delivery. This is when
your memory cells go dim. So do a dry run; make sure you know the route cold.
Your partner will appreciate it, since it will be one less thing she needs to worry about.
Be a partner in labor
Be prepared to support her. Record music she wants to hear during labor; prepare some distractions that you can bring to the hospital; and be ready to embrace her and coach her, soothe her and massage her, feed her ice chips and offer her liquids. If you're up for it, ask your doctor or midwife if you can "catch" the baby, that is, support him as he emerges from the birth canal, and cut the umbilical cord.
Shop, talk, and make lots of decisions together
By the time your baby arrives, you and your partner should have bought a newborn wardrobe; prepared the nursery; bought and safely installed a car seat (hospitals won't let you drive baby home without one), settled on boy and girl options for your child's name; and determined whether to circumcise, breast- or bottle- feed, and use cloth or disposable diapers. And you thought you had nothing to do. Even if you change your minds later, at least you'll have started the discussion.
Prepare for your new life as a family
Get life insurance, and make out a will if you haven't already. Start a college savings fund. Arrange for paternity leave if you can, so you'll be able to participate in your baby's care during the first days and weeks after birth. Childproof the house. Install a smoke detector in your baby's nursery and in other key rooms in your home. And don't forget the little things, either: Collect take-out menus from all your favorite restaurants and put them in a handy folder. (You'll be surprised how often you'll use them.) And buy your partner a gift she'll always remember. After all, she's about to give you a pretty incredible gift herself.
sleep deprivation. No dad can possibly relate to the minute-by-minute, close-to-the-heart,
kick-in-the-gut reality of carrying a baby to term.
But we can participate. We can be there to listen to the first heartbeat, we can swear
off our dinner wine, we can pore over the naming books together, and more. Here are
some ways you can be there, too.
Pay attention
You can't be pregnant, but you can participate by being an active observer.
Let your wife know you're enjoying seeing her belly grow. Feel the baby kick.
Play music and read to your baby. Keep a father's journal both as a way to record
your inner thoughts and to help you think about what you'd like to discuss with your
spouse or partner. Keep track of your baby's development during pregnancy — no doubt
you'll be amazed.
Be there
Try to make it to at least some of your partner's many prenatal care appointments,
and ask questions. (It shows you're involved, not just a bystander.) Also, don't miss
the chance to get a glimpse of your baby during an ultrasound. If your partner has an
amniocentesis or other procedure to test for genetic defects, make sure you're there.
(One dad we know missed the appointment, and he still hears about it five years later.)
And, of course, attend childbirth classes, so you can participate with your partner in your
child's birth.
Get healthier, too
As your wife tries to modify her diet, give up alcohol, and drink more fluids,
you can support her by sharing these lifestyle changes. Eliminate bad-for-baby foods that might
tempt her. Cut down on or cut out alcohol yourself. Don't smoke. Spend time walking or
exercising together. And try to find ways to cut back on the hours you spend at your workplace,
so you have more time at home together.
Love her changing body
Take a photo of your sweetie in profile at each month of pregnancy to record how her
body changes. Understand, too, that as her pregnancy progresses, she may feel unattractive
at times. Even if you think that she is, don't let on. Tell her she's beautiful. Meanwhile,
you may also find that your sex life gets a PG rating for a while. What with hormone changes,
back pain, morning sickness, and an understandable preoccupation with the stirrings of life,
sex can take a hit.
Go the extra mile
Your wife may be intensely demanding. Go with it. She's doing all the heavy lifting.
The least you can do is shop for groceries, send her flowers, and indulge her 11 p.m.
demands for cottage cheese and strawberry jam.
Memorize the route to the hospital
This may seem obvious, but unless you're away when your partner's water breaks,
you'll probably be making that drive to the hospital for delivery. This is when
your memory cells go dim. So do a dry run; make sure you know the route cold.
Your partner will appreciate it, since it will be one less thing she needs to worry about.
Be a partner in labor
Be prepared to support her. Record music she wants to hear during labor;
prepare some distractions that you can bring to the hospital; and be ready
to embrace her and coach her, soothe her and massage her, feed her ice chips
and offer her liquids. If you're up for it, ask your doctor or midwife if you
can "catch" the baby, that is, support him as he emerges from the birth canal,
and cut the umbilical cord.
Shop, talk, and make lots of decisions together
By the time your baby arrives, you and your partner should have bought
a newborn wardrobe; prepared the nursery; bought and safely installed
a car seat (hospitals won't let you drive baby home without one), settled
on boy and girl options for your child's name; and determined whether
to circumcise, breast- or bottle- feed, and use cloth or disposable diapers.
And you thought you had nothing to do. Even if you change your minds later,
at least you'll have started the discussion.
Prepare for your new life as a family
Get life insurance, and make out a will if you haven't already.
Start a college savings fund. Arrange for paternity leave if you can,
so you'll be able to participate in your baby's care during the first days
and weeks after birth. Childproof the house. Install a smoke detector in
your baby's nursery and in other key rooms in your home. And don't forget
the little things, either: Collect take-out menus from all your favorite
restaurants and put them in a handy folder. (You'll be surprised how often you'll
use them.) And buy your partner a gift she'll always remember. After all,
she's about to give you a pretty incredible gift herself.
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